State interventions
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Germany-The Netherlands-Denmark-United Kingdom: EIB provides financing for 'Spectris R&d Iii'
India: Increase in minimum export price of onions (August 2015)
Uzbekistan: Allowed exports of crackers and chicken feet
Kazakhstan: Temporary ban on exports of raw precious metals, scrap and waste of precious metals for 4 months
United States of America: The Overseas Private Investment Corporation provides funding to Microcred Senegal
United States of America: Extension of definitive countervailing duties on imports of certain cold-rolled steel flat products from India, China, and the Republic of Korea
United States of America: Extension of definitive antidumping duties on imports of certain cold-rolled steel flat products from China, India, Rep of Korea, and United Kingdom as well as from Japan following an anti-circumvention investigation (investigation was terminated without the impostion of duties on the Netherlands, and termination of antidumping duty from Brazil and Russia)
Canada: EDC provides financing to support a foreign investment by Element Financial Corporation in various countries in August 2015
Brazil: BNDES provides USD 25 million loan to <i>Nc Energia SA</i> under the <i>BNDES finem</i> scheme (August 2015)
Brazil: BNDES provides USD 11 million loan to <i>Usina de Energia Eolica Carnauba Spe SA</i> under the <i>BNDES finem</i> scheme (August 2015)